Saturday, May 4, 2019

BUDGET UPDATE - April, 2019

2019 came in with a roar! Time in Paradise is amazing!

As a brief explanation for any new folks that might be reading this blog. Mike & I decided to call Puerto Vallarta, MX our home after living in 5 other Latin American countries and 11 towns/villages. (You can read all about our journey by going to the Archives listed on the bottom right of the blog page.) It's now been 5 full years, as of December 15, 2018, that we have lived here.

The posted budget/expenditures are for 2 people and are reflected in US Dollars, since that's the method we get paid in.

As of September 1, 2017, we moved up the hill into Amapas into a condo complex with 11 units and larger pool.  We more than doubled our space and our view increased 1000%. It's a 2 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, fully furnished, with a very large outdoor terrace. We now pay rent in pesos, so our rent fluctuates monthly based on the bank exchange rate with the US Dollar.

As of our renewal lease on September 1, 2018, our rent of 18,000 pesos/month does not include internet, TV, or electric. Internet and TV are included in the amount shown under Rent ($69). We pay for 50 mbp of download but get closer to 75. We pay a bit extra and switched from cable to RealTV streaming ($37).

Living Expenses:   January  February   March     April
Rent w/util  $  1,001  $   1,027  $ 1,030  $ 1,044
Electric  $       11  $          7  $        8  $        9
Cell Phone  $       20  $        22  $      22  $      56
Groceries  $     349  $      431  $      36  $    244
Meals Out  $     412  $      526  $    451  $    418
Drinks Only  $     343  $      218  $    122  $    111
Entertainment  $        90  $    281
Massages/Nails/Hair  $       80  $      103  $      70  $    121
Bus/Taxi/Uber  $     160  $        96  $    111  $    107
Incidentals  $     112  $      217  $      20  $    180
Medical Insurance  $     394  $      394  $    394  $    394
TOTAL  $  2,882  $   3,131  $ 2,545  $ 2,684
TOTAL W/O RENT  $  1,881  $   2,104  $ 1,515  $ 1,640
Discretionary Spending:
Clothes/Shoes/Gifts  $     145  $        79  $    364  $      40
Tours  $      165
Home Improve
Medical  $     100  $      20  $    271
Dental  $  1,596
Trips/Vacations  $ 1,911
TOTAL Discr.  $  1,841  $      244  $ 2,295  $    311
TOTAL ALL  $  4,723  $   3,375  $ 4,840  $ 2,995

* Meals Out: Jan 20x; Feb 18x; Mar 17x; April 16x
* Drinks Only: Jan 21x; Feb 13x; Mar 10x; April 8x
* Taxis/Bus/Uber: Jan 45x; Feb 29x; Mar 36x; April 35x
* Trips/Tours & General Rationale for some additional expenditures:
January: Mike's new tooth implant plus friends visiting.
February: Excursions & Oscar Party plus out of town friends  
March: Friends visiting & a 12 day vacation to Queretero, San Miguel de Allende & Guanajuato.
April: I had a colonoscopy ($345 all inclusive; some insurance reimbursement); my computer needed a new hard drive ($144), cell phone issues ($25).